About Us

Punjabi in 5 is an online platform to develop a foundation in the Punjabi language.  In today’s busy world it is hard to carve out time. 

The more effort you put into the language the more you will get out.  One of the most important factors in succeeding in language learning is consistency. 

For this reason Punjabi in 5 was made with the goal of concise lessons designed to quickly learn Punjabi in a consistent,  comfortable, online environment.  

For years we had looked for online educational tools to help improve Punjabi proficiency. Unfortunately, there were not any sites that adequately addressed the needs of students trying to learn Punjabi born outside of Punjab. 

A lot of Punjabi learning materials focus on reading and writing only, but not speaking. 

We are here to help improve your comprehension and speaking ability. It takes hard work to become fluent in a language, but consistency is key and even 5 minutes of practice a day can help improve your Punjabi speaking ability .

Are you ready to reach your goals? Join us today!