Word Order in Punjabi Sentences

SOV! SOV! SOV!…remember this

Everyone is unique in how they process language and communicate. It becomes even more complex when it’s a second language. It’s natural to try to directly translate from one language to another. Most of us initially think of a concept to express in one language (usually our dominant language) and then apply that sentence structure to another language. 


For native English speakers, trying to directly translate an English sentence into Punjabi will unfortunately not always work out. The reason why is the typical word order in a Punjabi sentence is different than the way we express ourselves in English. 


The typical Punjabi sentence word order is: Subject – Object – Verb. (SOV)

The typical English sentence word order is: Subject – Verb – Object (SVO)


Lets take the following example from our Instagram page. 

In breaking down any sentence, try to first recognize 3 main elements:

  1. Subject
  2. Object
  3. Verb


A simple way to not get confused is to first try to identify the verb or “action word” of the sentence. 

In the above example ਖੇਡਦਾ (khed dha)/play is the verb. 

LeBron is the subject and basketball is the object. 

“Lebron plays basketball”


English: (SVO)

Subject: Lebron

Verb: plays

Object : basketball



Punjabi: (SOV)

ਲਬਾ੍ਨ ਬਾਸਕਟ ਬਾਲ ਖੇਡਦਾ (Lebron basketball khed dha)

Subject: Lebron

Object: basketball

Verb: khed dha


Lets try another example: “I eat roti.”


English: (SVO)

Subject: I

Verb: eat

Object: roti


Punjabi: (SOV) 

ਮੈਂ ਰੋਟੀ ਖਾਂਦਾ ਹਾਂ (main roti khandha haan).

Subject – Main

Object – roti

Verb – khanda haan

In this sentence the verb is “eat.” The subject is “I” and the object is “roti”


The above examples can give you a solid foundation in knowing how to start constructing Punjabi sentences. As we progress into more complicated sentences, try to keep this basic building block in mind. It will help reduce confusion when you are trying to dissect Punjabi sentence structure.


Stay focused. Consistency is key in practicing a second language. The results are cumulative and you will start to see significant improvement in your Punjabi.

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